
Friends! It has been way too long since I have written a post and I am beyond ashamed. There have been so many wonderful coffee moments since my last post! Gosh I don’t even know where to begin, well that is a lie. I do have the best last 2019 coffee story of all time! 

Danny proposed! With espresso too! Ahhh my heart could burst with so much love and joy it was the most perfect morning ever.

Time to set the scene; so night before, we are coming back from the burbs after spending the Christmas holiday with our families and Danny is insistent on giving me my Christmas gift. I was a little bothered by all this since I had not gotten him a gift and we had told each other that we were not doing gift. Naturally I think I just always need to know that Mr. Santa over here will always want to get me something. But this was NOT a little something this was a very expensive and nice espresso machine! Ugh, so that leaves me feeling bad, but he insists it was a gift kinda for both of us since clearly he would be using it just as much as I would be too. FINE

The plan for the morning was now wake up, I would play with the espresso machine while Danny made pancakes! This was exciting and fun sounding to me. I love the mornings and was looking forward to playing with the new toy! I got up super early so that I could take Duncan around the block, while I did that Danny jumped out of bed and was starting to get things set up. When I came back and was going through the manual he recommended setting the camera up so that I could get a video of me making my first espresso drink! Maybe this should have raised a red flag? But I thought it was an interesting idea so I went with it.

Come time to load the machine with espresso beans I realized we technically did not have that kind of quality beans here on hand at home! Go figure Danny has already thought that through and had a bag of beans in his closet ready to go. I go to open the bag and am blinded by this beauty on top of the coffee beans! <3 

I instantly am blown away and start crying, while Danny the sweet soul is behind me on his knee. OMG! I was shaking,blacked out after that and next thing you know he is putting the ring on my hand and we are hugging. I couldn’t believe it or be any happier in my entire life. The love of my life just asked me to marry him and spend the rest of our lives together.   

We cried, we hugged, we took pictures, we tried to call our parents and none of them answered the first time! Hilarious, so we went about our morning and made breakfast and lattes! They were hands down the most delicious drinks and pancakes I have ever had. Nothing will top that morning. 

But a little bit on the coffee, I do have some learning and practice on steaming milk! That was a bit of a mess for me and getting the froth just right is totally a skill that will come with more use and time. No biggie but Danny the barista already had this skill better than I! 

Welp, there will still be a lot of coffee shop visits to come in our future, but now we expect me to share some yummy tips on making drinks at home.

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