Atmos Cafe

Sunday coffee date took us out to a brand new cafe called Atmos Coffee!

Atmos is an absolute treat! It’s a local small business cafe that literally was able to open during the crazy of the world with Covid! It’s worth the trip! We had the treat of popping in this morning while the owner was there and he gave us a run down of the cafe and how it got started. It’s truly a story of making the best out of a bad situation. 

Due to Covide he lost his job back in March and decided to take his passion for coffee and open a coffee shop! They just a month ago got all licensing n place and are able to actually open their doors for customers to come in! They also do a wonderful warming way of working with other local small businesses to for their baked goods and coffee syrup flavors! What a great idea! So I mena naturally while we were there we got lattes, with some sweeteners (more on that in a minute) and tried a donut from Down State Donuts! 

Supporting as much local as we could this morning. 

Okay back to the sweeteners for a second. First while chatting with the barista and owner we were checking out the specials menu and all sounded super interesting but far too sweet for something Danny or I would probably like. For example one of them was german chocolate cake! Ha that is a dessert! We both are also not fans of chocolate in our coffee. Mocha is a hard one to get into. But while taking all this in, the barista started to talk about all the other flavors they had behind the counter that are all naturally made from a local business called Jo Snow Syrups

I’ll just leave that link to her site here for you cause the flavor combinations that she comes up with are mind blowing and all so delicious sounding. Her syrups can be used in coffee, cocktails and snow cones! Trifecta right there! 

Danny went with the maple sweetener in his latte, the barista was really raving about it. I risked it and went with the honey BOURBON!? Who am I with the bourbon? It felt a little risky, but I am obsessed with honey. Gosh both lattes knocked our socks off. They were perfect and not too sweet, both flavors were delicious and I could not recommend enough! 

I already plan to purchase some of those sweeteners for myself and possibly a few people as holiday gifts. 

Get out there and go support local and check out Atmos Coffee! If you go let me know what flavor you go with!

Coffee feedback